Sunday, April 25, 2010

Social Media Marketing Agency Interviewed on The WellnessHour with Randy Alvarez



Simplifying the SocialSphere™

(San Diego, CA, April, 2010) – WorldClass Brand Management (, the company behind the WorldClassID Social Media Marketing Service, is pleased to be spotlighted in the most recent Marketing Report done by Randy Alvarez of The Wellness Hour. Randy took this opportunity to help explain social media marketing to his audience via this Video Interview which was the first video interview of the founder and inventor of the WorldClassID solution. The Wellness Hour is using the Marketing Report to introduce to their clients this truly industry changing social software service in the SocialSphere™. At a time when managing your personal brand or your corporate brand has become increasingly important, the logistical nightmare of managing multiple username and passwords for numerous social networking sites has been solved.

Investing in a Social Networking Strategy

Managing your online identity in the social media until now has been overwhelming and challenging,
not only because there are already hundreds of social communities, but also
because multiple social networks are launched on virtually a weekly basis. We all suffer from networking social overload, the information overload of being involved in a social network, not just one network social, but numerous social networking sites. How many online id, social identities or social user accounts do you have? Are we being consumed with social definition and is brand management being redefined in our newly social society? Until now you were limited to the manual, tedious and boring task of physically managing multiple social networking accounts which is very expensive from both a time and money perspective. In order to evaluate how best to invest in your own social network marketing strategy, you have to determine whether that social marketing plan can 1) save you time, 2) save you money, or 3) make you money. If your social marketing plan doesn’t hit at least one of those three elements, then you’re just wasting resources and you should invest elsewhere.

Social Networking Issues

The social web, what WorldClass has coined as the SocialSphere™, is chock full of social website issues for social issue management, the most personal of which is reputation management. Personal brand management in the SocialSphere™ is all about protecting your personal reputation. Similar issues apply to corporate brand management and also extend to product brand management or service brand management. Social networks can be a powerful tool in protecting, defending and promoting your personal brand or business brand, but as with any technology the tools are not good or bad, rather it’s how you use them that determine the desired outcome.

Lack of having a social network strategy can be worse than the proverbial ostrich sticking the head in the ground, and doing nothing is a recipe for potential social networking disaster. Do you know whether someone Googled you today? If so, do you know how many times your name was Googled? Do you know what shows up when someone Googles your name? Do you know how to change the results if something negative shows up on your Google name search?

When you are doing social analysis of what your social identity looks like to the outside world the use of social networking software inside the social network is a total necessity. You have already learned, or will come to learn, the logistic challenge of trying to manually protect and defend your personal brand or business brand in the social networking arena. Just managing the top 5 social networking sites is a daunting task, requiring the investment of time and money which you can easily estimate is thousands of dollars on a monthly basis.

So how do you keep up with all this social networking without losing your sanity?

Social Networking Strategy

In case you are still trying to figure out whether having a personal brand management plan is important or not, read the following article, “10 Reasons You Have To Manage Your Personal Brand” [] If your believe your social marketing branding and online reputation, online identity and brand development require involvement in social networking
websites, the question then becomes where do you focus your limited time and limited money? If one site like Facebook makes sense, should you also participate in MySpace or Bebo? If one social network is good, are ten social websites better and is participation in one hundred or more social networking sites the best? If participating in every possible social network is the best, how do I physically do that?

The logic of just the time required to create and manage just one social network would make you believe that you don’t want to join every social network because the only way you think it’s possible to do that isn’t scalable. You just don’t have enough hours in a day to manage more than just a few accounts. You could hire someone on a full time basis, but even that strategy has limitations that make in unscalable.

List of Social Networking Websites

So if you have limited time and limited money to invest in a social networking strategy, where do you go? We have compiled an ever growing list of social websites, so please go to the following links to see the entire list with URL links:

· Top 10 Social Networking Websites

· Top 10 Social Blogging Websites

· Top 10 Social Video Sharing Websites

· Top 10 Social Bookmarking Websites

· Top 10 Social Photo Sharing Websites

· Top 10 Social Professional Networking Websites

· Top 10 Social Press Release Websites

· Top 10 Social Article Posting Websites

· Top 10 Social Music Sharing Websites

The challenge is the idea that you can limit your social marketing strategy in any way. Even if you decide to limit your strategy to just the Top 10 websites in each of the 9 categories listed above (remember, there are over 350+ in total) that means you’re looking at 90 social memberships! If you believe that having a strategic social networking plan is a valuable investment, then you should also understand that having a presence in ALL the social websites is important.

Why? Because there are potential customers, potential eyeballs who are in social networks other than the Top 10 who you’re not going to reach if you don’t show up in the other social networks.

Social Networking Software Service (SnsS) – an obvious solution

The old adage of work smarter not harder seems obvious. The only way to work smarter and have a reasonable solution to managing hundreds of social networks is through an automated software solution. That is the essence of what WorldClassID is and does. It is a technology solution which takes the manual and highly complicated process out of the equation and creates a repeatable, scalable solution for dealing with hundreds of social networking sites.

About The Wellness Hour and Randy Alvarez

The Wellness Hour is America's cable television leader in health news and information. The show airs more than 5000 half hours a month nationwide and Canada, airing in over 47 Million homes. The goal of the program is to provide the much needed medical and wellness information the public is seeking in order to make informed decisions regarding health and well being. For the past ten years the Wellness Hour has been an innovator in digital media, with a history of delivering essential and cutting edge medical information, making the show a trusted resource in both the U.S. and Canada. For more information about how to become a guest on the program, please call The Wellness Hour studios to schedule a telephone meeting with show host Randy Alvarez. The Wellness Hour Studios - 760-434-5559 / Randy Alvarez Direct Line - 760-535-0905.

About WorldClass Brand Management and WorldClassID

Brand HyperDistribution: a social network distribution channel. WorldClassID utilizes a variety of peer-to-peer technologies which are even more efficient at reaching a target social network audience than any single method of channel distribution such as print, email, video, social networking, direct mail, network and online broadcasting.

WorldClassID provides a unique methodology to most widely distribute your brand message. Whether you want more clients, are looking to sell more product or want to reinvent yourself…the WorldClassID Social Networking Software Service is the solution. WorldClassID is a proven alternative to traditional marketing solutions and the only personal branding solution on the market today that can validate the distribution of content through HyperDistribution.

For more information about becoming a WORLDCLASSID CUSTOMER visit or to schedule an interview with Mr. Kendell Lang, please contact by email at or by phone at 760.445.3315.

“Are you overwhelmed by Social Networking? Are you confused by hundreds of social networking sites? Are you hiring a social network coordinator to manage your MySpace, Facebook or Twitter accounts? WorldClassID Service is the answer. This revolutionary new social networking software service gives you the answer to managing your personal brand in the SocialSphere without being totally frustrated. WorldClassID is what can help you harness the power of the SocialSphere without driving you crazy. WorldClassID ( is all about providing answers to the question, "do you have a consolidated social content management and social network channel publication system that allows you to WRITE ONCE and then PUBLISH GLOBALLY?" WorldClassID is "Simplifying the SocialSphere™" and making sense out of a chaotic jumble of hundreds of social networking sites.”


Thursday, April 22, 2010


marketing using social media, marketing with social media, online social media marketing, social media internet marketing
Attend this FREE SEMINAR about HOW TO USE Automated Social
Media Marketing and Why You Should Be Using Automated Social Media Broadcasting.

Hilton San Diego/Del Mar
15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Del Mar, California, USA, 92014-1901

Date: Saturday, May 22
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am



Presentation by the Social Network Guru to include:


Automated Social Media Broadcasting

Automated social media

marketing using social media
taking the

online social media marketing

industry by storm! Marketing with social media is now the holy grail
and social media internet marketing is now being blown up with
social broadcasting. We have the best social media marketing on the
planet and we use social media marketing and our proprietary social
media marketing tools to achieve extraordinary search engine ranking
for our clients.

Why social media marketing?

Marketing through social media is the best way to control your
message, according to

top social media marketing firms
As a social media marketing expert we have developed a unique social
media marketing software that provides

automated social media broadcasting
If you want to learn social media marketing and do your own

social media broadcast
, you
have a few options. You can hire a social media coordinator to
manually do your social media broadcasting. That is a time consuming
and laborious process.

What you really need is social media marketing system that isn't
going to break your social media budgets. The best

automated social networking
be accomplished through an automated social network service like This first-of-a-kind automated social
networking service is the newest in automated social media. If you
want to take advantage of automated social media marketing and do

automated social media advertising

then this is for you. The ability to benefit from the best automated
social media broadcast service is now available and AFFORDABLE!

What is automated social media broadcasting?

The goal for an

automated social network
is to
give our clients the best automated social network marketing system
on the planet. We give each client a unique username and password
for their dedicated social network broadcast. We let our clients
WRITE ONCE and then we PUBLISH GLOBALLY using our social network
broadcasting service. Having a social networking broadcast system
available to distribute your message across the SocialSphere once a
week is a powerful new arrow in your quiver of marketing tools.

How can I benefit from social networking broadcasting?

Since successful online business is impossible without an effective
social networking strategy, the choice of providers delivering
online social networking software marketing tools is a critical one.
Social networks dominate the market of targeted website traffic with
search results becoming more and more prevalent in top search engine
results for products and services. If you don't want to give away
your potential customers to your competitors you need to gain high
search engine rankings for the relevant keywords and that is
impacted by having an online social networking software. Our Social
Networking Software solution, WorldClassID, gives our clients the
benefit of a proprietary and best-in-class social networking
software solution.

The reality of Social Networking is that it requires a significant
time commitment - not only to make it work, but to maximize its
effectiveness. Bottom-line, somebody has to keep up with (and
manage) your social networking effort over time. We have created an
automated social networking software solution to keep you from
having to hire a social network coordinator. From both a
communications and tools perspective, our value to you in our

automated social networking software
management comes through:

  • Social Networking Strategic Plan - a comprehensive plan to deal
    with contest, campaign, social apps, viral and engagement
    strategies within social networks

  • Setup and/or customization of accounts in major social networks
    (planning, designing and programming in Facebook, MySpace,
    YouTube, Twitter, etc.).

  • Content updates

  • Response maintenance

  • Measurement of Traffic and Results

  • Cross-promotional linking

  • Advertising Management



We are an

automated social media agency

made up of social media engineers. We provide automated social media
marketing and new online social media marketing. We are next
generation search engine optimization known as social media
optimization, using automated social media broadcasting to provide
online social media public relations.

Contact Information:

  • Lead Brand Manager

  • WorldClass Brand Management

  • 1155 Camino del Mar, Suite 521

  • Del Mar, California 92014


  • (+01) 760.445.3315

  • (e)

Automated Social Media Marketing Using Automated
Social Media Broadcasting


©  Copyright 2010 Automated Social Media Marketing - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Greatest Quotes from Ronald Reagan - Why would you ever want socialized medicine?

Whatever else history may say about me when I’m gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears; to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty’s lamp guiding your steps and opportunity’s arm steadying your way.

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. . . . Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it. We have an example of this. Under the Truman administration it was proposed that we have a compulsory health insurance program for all people in the United States, and, of course, the American people unhesitatingly rejected this.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine is a 1961 LP featuring Ronald Reagan. In this more than ten-minute recording, Reagan "criticized Social Security for supplanting private savings and warned that subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him

The doctor begins to lose freedom. . . . First you decide that the doctor can have so many patients. They are equally divided among the various doctors by the government. But then doctors aren’t equally divided geographically. So a doctor decides he wants to practice in one town and the government has to say to him, you can't live in that town. They already have enough doctors. You have to go someplace else. And from here it's only a short step to dictating where he will go. . . . All of us can see what happens once you establish the precedent that the government can determine a man's working place and his working methods, determine his employment. From here it's a short step to all the rest of socialism, to determining his pay. And pretty soon your son won't decide, when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him where he will go to work and what he will do.

Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

There are those in America today who have come to depend absolutely on government for their security. And when government fails they seek to rectify that failure in the form of granting government more power. So, as government has failed to control crime and violence with the means given it by the Constitution, they seek to give it more power at the expense of the Constitution. But in doing so, in their willingness to give up their arms in the name of safety, they are really giving up their protection from what has always been the chief source of despotism — government. Lord Acton said power corrupts. Surely then, if this is true, the more power we give the government the more corrupt it will become. And if we give it the power to confiscate our arms we also give up the ultimate means to combat that corrupt power. In doing so we can only assure that we will eventually be totally subject to it. When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is take away the people's weapons. It makes it so much easier for the secret police to operate, it makes it so much easier to force the will of the ruler upon the ruled.

I'm convinced that today the majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. Very simply, they want to be left alone in peace and safety to take care of the family by earning an honest dollar and putting away some savings. This may not sound too exciting, but there is something magnificent about it. On the farm, on the street corner, in the factory and in the kitchen, millions of us ask nothing more, but certainly nothing less than to live our own lives according to our values — at peace with ourselves, our neighbors and the world.

Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us that they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy "accommodation." And they say if we only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he will forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us that they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy "accommodation." And they say if we only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he will forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Smile Train is changing lives one smile at a time.

Dear Family & Friends,

Do you know what the longest word is in the dictionary?  It’s “Smiles”…because there’s a ‘mile’ between the two s’.  So why is that important?  Well…a small group of friends and I have set a fundraising goal to secure 330 smiles!!!  Yes…smiles!!! …and our benefactors are 330 children born with cleft palate and facial deformities.  These children will gain this life-changing gift from Smile Train – a 501 (c) (3) non-profit Organization – an organization that is dedicated to changing children’s lives one smile at a time.

Through Smile Train’s organizational where-with-all, $250.00 is all that is required for corrective surgery that will provide a lifetime of smiles. It is a program that not only touches the lives of the individual child, but all those whose lives are touched by that child - the ripple effect is undeniable and powerful. The Smile Train is an American charity devoted to providing free cleft palate/craniofacial reconstructive surgery to children in 76 developing countries around the world.

Their work in third world countries is amazing and what they accomplish for the price of $250 for a child, their family, their status in their community (no longer will they be outcasts in their communities), their future (no longer one of shame and isolation) and their sense of self esteem is well beyond the cost of $250 per child.

Our source of motivation comes from the 2009 Oscar winning Documentary "Smile Pinki". This documentary chronicles a captivating story of a poor little girl in rural India who lives in desperation as she is ostracized by her village and not allowed to attend school because of her cleft lip. With the assistance of the Smile Train, Pinki's life is magically transformed when she receives free surgery to correct her cleft lip. It is an amazing documentary and a story I believe we all can relate to - imagine if we didn't have the smiles we were born with, how different the world would treat us......hence our motivation to work with Smile Train.

(Smile Pinki YouTube posting) Any donation, large or small, is a valuable contribution to one child at a time. With this said, I am requesting that you consider the ripple effect of repairing one such cleft......Imagine having the impact on 330 lives and more when we consider all those that they love as well for a target goal of $250 per smile.

Monday, April 12, 2010

First-of-a-kind Automated Social Media Marketing Service WorldClassID

marketing using social media, marketing with social media, online social media marketing, social media internet marketing

Automated Social Media Marketing

Using Automated Social Media Broadcasting

Automated social media marketing using social media is taking the
online social media marketing industry by storm! Marketing with social media is now the holy grail and social media internet marketing is now being blown up with social broadcasting. We have the best social media marketing on the planet and we use social media marketing and our proprietary social media marketing tools to achieve extraordinary search engine ranking for our clients.

Why social media marketing?

Marketing through social media is the best way to control your message, according to
top social media marketing firms. As a social media marketing expert we have developed a unique social media marketing software that provides
automated social media broadcasting. If you want to learn social media marketing and do your own
social media broadcast, you have a few options. You can hire a social media coordinator to manually do your social media broadcasting. That is a time
consuming and laborious process.

What you really need is social media marketing system that isn't going to break your social media budgets. The best
automated social networking
can be accomplished through an automated social network service like This first-of-a-kind automated social networking service is the newest in automated social media. If you want to take advantage of automated social media marketing and do high-powered
automated social media advertising then this is for you. The ability to benefit from the best automated social media broadcast service is now available and AFFORDABLE!

What is automated social media broadcasting?

The goal for an
automated social network is to give our clients the best automated social network marketing system on the planet. We give each client a unique username and password for their dedicated social network broadcast. We let our clients WRITE ONCE and then we PUBLISH GLOBALLY using our social network broadcasting service. Having a social networking broadcast system available to distribute your message across the SocialSphere once a week is a powerful new arrow in your quiver of marketing tools.

How can I benefit from social networking broadcasting?

Since successful online business is impossible without an effective social networking strategy, the choice of providers delivering online social networking software marketing tools is a critical one. Social networks dominate the market of targeted website traffic with search results becoming more and more prevalent in top search engine results for products and services. If you don't want to give away your potential customers to your competitors you need to gain high search engine rankings for the relevant keywords and that is impacted by having an online social networking software. Our Social Networking Software solution, WorldClassID, gives our clients the benefit of a proprietary and best-in-class social networking software solution.

The reality of Social Networking is that it requires a significant time commitment - not only to make it work, but to maximize its effectiveness. Bottom-line, somebody has to keep up with (and manage) your social networking effort over time. We have created an automated social networking software solution to keep you from having to hire a social network coordinator. From both a communications and tools perspective, our value to you in our
automated social networking software service management comes through:

  • Social Networking Strategic Plan - a comprehensive plan to deal with contest, campaign, social apps, viral and engagement strategies within social networks
  • Setup and/or customization of accounts in major social networks (planning, designing and programming in Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, etc.).
  • Content updates
  • Response maintenance
  • Measurement of Traffic and Results
  • Cross-promotional linking
  • Advertising Management

We are an
automated social media agency made up of social media engineers. We provide automated social media marketing and new online social media marketing. We are next generation search engine optimization known as social media optimization, using automated social media broadcasting to provide online social media public relations.

Contact Information:

  • Lead Brand Manager
  • WorldClass Brand Management
  • 1155 Camino del Mar, Suite 521
  • Del Mar, California 92014
  • (+01) 760.445.3315
  • (e)

Automated Social Media Marketing Using Automated Social Media Broadcasting

(c) Copyright 2010 Automated Social Media Marketing

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Automated Social Media Marketing Service presented on The Wellness Hour by Randy Alvarez

Automated Social Media Marketing Service highlighted in Video Interview

How do you get on the first page of Google? On this weeks report, I interview the C.E.O of WorldClassID. He is an expert on the topic of social media marketing. If you are considering or want to know more about social media marketing. You have to watch this weeks report.

New Automated Social Media Marketing Service, WorldClassID, Takes Industry By Storm

Have you ever considered what the benefits of "write once...publish globally" automated social media marketing service can do for getting your message into social networks and your business profit margin? Learn where this is actually being done!

WorldClassID is an Automated Social Media Marketing Service that is taking the Social Media Marketing Industry by Storm.

There is absolutely no doubt that automated social media marketing, also known as social marketing, is one of the fastest growing powerhouses on the planet. Automated social media marketing is assisting with getting your branded message out to the SocialSphere pronto, on a daily basis if you want it that frequently. No matter where in the world clients and businesses are located, you're going to want to reach them using an automated social media marketing service and WorldClassID is the ONLY solution actually delivering!

If you are the owner or even manager of a business automated social media marketing is one market you just cannot ignore. The problem with social media up until now is that its rather time consuming - who has the time for socialising? Until now! With the WorldClassID Automated Social Media Marketing Service you can globally distribute your message across the SocialSphere.

There are hundreds of thousands of individuals waiting in social networks to purchase your product or service, they just dont know about your existence!

For loads more info on the WorldClassID Automated Social Media Marketing Service taking the Industry by Storm check out, now!

About WorldClassID ( is all about providing answers to the question, "Do you have a consolidated social content management and social network channel publication system that allows you to WRITE ONCE and then PUBLISH GLOBALLY?" WorldClassID is "Simplifying the SocialSphere" and making sense out of a chaotic jumble of hundreds of social networking sites.

WorldClassID provides a unique methodology to most widely distribute your brand message, as well as protecting and managing your digital reputation. Whether you want more clients, are looking to sell more product or want to reinvent yourself...the WorldClassID Social Media Broadcasting Service is the solution. WorldClassID is a proven alternative to traditional marketing solutions and the only branding solution on the market today that can validate the distribution of content through HyperDistribution.

Oral Sex can be bad for your Oral Health

In an article posted on March 17, 2010, Vanessa B ( writes:

"When most women think of HPV, their mind automatically correlates it to cervical, not oral cancer. But what most women don’t realize is that oral sex is still sex and an STD like HPV doesn’t care where it finds a home, and can wreck havoc on woman’s oral health care.

I always knew that women could potentially get an STD in their throat, but I had never heard of anyone actually experiencing it until I saw footage from the Emmy nominated show “The Doctors,” with guest Dr. Bill Dorfman. I was hunting around for tooth whitening procedures and came across the Celebrity Dentist’s website and started doing my research. Going through his entire website I found clips of the show and since I had never seen it before I decided to see what Dr. Bill was all about.

Turns out he’s one smart man. The purpose of this blog came about after I finished watching the second clip and heard the story of a woman who was in a monogamous marriage, had a swollen tonsil and it ended up being cancer caused by HPV found in the tonsil. All this from oral sex and according to Dr. Dorfman a dentists can screen you for oral cancer! I never knew this. Dr. Dorfman demonstrated the screening on one of the show’s host and it was quick, easy and simple.

Dr. Dorfman flat out said it’s the dentist responsibility to screen for oral cancer. He said that “there is 3 times as much oral cancer as there is cervical cancer.” Not to play down the severity of cervical cancer, but I think people, doctors and dentist need to shed light on this growing health risk.

I urge you to visit Dr. Dorfman’s website,, and see what “America’s Dentist” is all about. He’s perfected the smile of stars such as Usher, Nia Long, Jessica Simpson, Julie Benz ("Dexter"), Niecy Nash, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Ozzy, Sharon & Kelly Osbourne, and the cast of "Desperate Housewives." He’s not only worldwide known and a highly respected cosmetic dentist he is also a New York Times Bestselling Author, for his book Billion Dollar Smile.

Are You Confused About Social Networking?

Are You Confused About Social Networking?
Social Networking Software Service
Are You Confused
 About Social Networking? 
Social Networking Software Service
Trying To Make Sense of Social Networking?
What is Social Networking all about and how can it help your business?  Are you confused by hundreds of social networking websites?  Are you hiring a social network media coordinator to manage your MySpace, Facebook or Twitter accounts?  
If your social networking plan makes you feel like the picture above, WorldClassID will impact your search engine ranking and drive new leads by making your social networking strategic plan look like the following:
Social Networking Software Service
Positively Impact Search Engine Ranking
>If you don't have a social networking content plan, you're missing out on a significant new way that search engines are ranking your content. 
Drive New Leads to Your Website
>Social Networking gives you a positive forum to broadcast your message and achieve peer-to-=peer endorsements, the most powerful way to generate new leads.
1155 Camino del Mar, Suite 521
Del Mar, California 92014
(760) 445-3315
Safe Unsubscribe
This email was sent to by
WorldClass Brand Management | 1155 Camino del Mar #521 | Del Mar | CA | 92014

Social Media Marketing Health - You need solid social networking software to promote your business

Are You Confused About Social Networking?
Social Networking Software Service
Are You Confused
 About Social Networking? 
Social Networking Software Service
Trying To Make Sense of Social Networking?
What is Social Networking all about and how can it help your business?  Are you confused by hundreds of social networking websites?  Are you hiring a social network media coordinator to manage your MySpace, Facebook or Twitter accounts?  
If your social networking plan makes you feel like the picture above, WorldClassID will impact your search engine ranking and drive new leads by making your social networking strategic plan look like the following:
Social Networking Software Service
Positively Impact Search Engine Ranking
>If you don't have a social networking content plan, you're missing out on a significant new way that search engines are ranking your content. 
Drive New Leads to Your Website
>Social Networking gives you a positive forum to broadcast your message and achieve peer-to-=peer endorsements, the most powerful way to generate new leads.
1155 Camino del Mar, Suite 521
Del Mar, California 92014
(760) 445-3315
Safe Unsubscribe
This email was sent to by
WorldClass Brand Management | 1155 Camino del Mar #521 | Del Mar | CA | 92014

Are You Confused About Social Networking?

Are You Confused About Social Networking?

Social Networking Software Service

Are You Confused
 About Social Networking? 

Social Networking Software Service

Trying To Make Sense of Social Networking?

What is Social Networking all about and how can it help your business?  Are you confused by hundreds of social networking websites?  Are you hiring a social network media coordinator to manage your MySpace, Facebook or Twitter accounts?  


If your social networking plan makes you feel like the picture above, WorldClassID will impact your search engine ranking and drive new leads by making your social networking strategic plan look like the following:

Social Networking Software Service

Positively Impact Search Engine Ranking

>If you don't have a social networking content plan, you're missing out on a significant new way that search engines are ranking your content. 

Drive New Leads to Your Website

>Social Networking gives you a positive forum to broadcast your message and achieve peer-to-=peer endorsements, the most powerful way to generate new leads.



1155 Camino del Mar, Suite 521
Del Mar, California 92014
(760) 445-3315

Safe Unsubscribe
This email was sent to by

WorldClass Brand Management | 1155 Camino del Mar #521 | Del Mar | CA | 92014

Facebook Social Networking Badge