I think we can all agree that a man walking in to an elementary school and opening fire is deeply, deeply horrific. And in the gut-wrenching social introspection that comes afterwards, the desire to 'do something' is understandable.
These days, the role of government in the west has become so bloated that it's commonplace for people to look to their political leaders when they want something done.
And politicians, who are bent on keeping their jobs, are keen to be seen as taking action.
And so here we are again, after another terrible tragedy which involved (a) death, and (b) firearms, with calls to restrict firearm ownership, particularly high-powered assault rifles.
Again, in fairness, the reaction is understandable. Most folks have such an emotional response, they just want to do something... often without thinking through the long-term consequences or all sides of the issues.
Unfortunately, the root cause of such issues is often misdiagnosed, hence the response is ill-conceived. This is often how wars get started. Pearl Harbor. 9/11. Etc.
What the left wing ideologues and gun control favoring media continues to ignore are stories that are equally horrific, but which don't support their anti-gun rhetoric. For example, a man wielding a knife attacked students Friday at a school in central China, leaving 22 children and one adult injured, according to state-run media reports. Same whacked out craziness by someone who should be in a mental institution, larger number of children affected and the only difference is the weapon of choice. So why aren't we talking about "Knife-Control"?
The attack marks the latest in a series of violent assaults at elementary schools in China. In 2010, a total of 18 children were killed in four separate attacks. On March 23 of that year, Zheng Minsheng attacked children at an elementary school in Fujian Province, killing eight.
One month later, just a few hours after Zheng Minsheng was executed for his crime, another man, Chen Kanbing wounded 16 students and a teacher in a knife attack at another primary school in Fujian. The following month, on May 12, a man named Wu Huangming killed seven children and two adults with a meat cleaver at a kindergarten in Shaanxi Province. That attack was followed by an August 4 assault by Fang Jiantang, who killed three children and one teacher with a knife at a kindergarten in Shandong Province.
In 2011, a young girl and three adults were killed with an axe at an elementary school in Henan Province by a 30-year-old man named Wang Hongbin, and eight children were hurt in Shanghai after an employee at a child care center attacked them with a box cutter.
So are we going to ban meat-cleavers, axes and box cutters?
In the Newtown, CT case, some nut job shoots up a school with assault weapons, so the response is to ban assault weapons. But is access to assault weapons really the root cause of the issue? Or, to paraphrase Chris Rock, are some people simply crazy?
History shows that there have been countless crazed psychopaths who kill wantonly, indiscriminately, without the use of assault rifles:
- Seung-Hui Cho, the 2007 Virginia Tech killer (he used two handguns)
- Luis Garavito, a Colombian mass murderer who killed hundreds of children with just a knife
- Mary Ann Cotton, a 19th century mass murderer in England who poisoned her victims
- Countess Elizabeth Bathory, a 16th century Hungarian who tortured and killed hundreds
Some people just aren't wired right. It's always been that way. Before firearms, before violent movies, before video games... there have always been crazy nuts. Go all the way back in Biblical times and you can see it only took a rock in a hand for Cain to kill Abel.
Passing laws doesn't change any of this. Government cannot protect us from all the bad people out there. Bathing travelers in radiation doesn't make us any safer. Fondling children at airports doesn't make us any safer. Taking away Constitutional rights doesn't make us any safer.
Neither will banning assault rifles. Bad guys will always find a way, either commandeering a killing machine illegally, or reverting to something more old school. As Lao Tzu once wrote, "The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
On that note, there's a deeper issue that is seldom mentioned in the gun control debate. Yes, every year, innocent people die because of violence. But there is no greater mass murderer in history than government.
When a lone gunman kills 32 people at an elementary school, it's a tragedy. When a government abandons its own ambassador and staff in Benghazi, it's collateral damage. No biggie.
Governments have a horrible track record of murder, pillage, and genocide, and they have the blood of millions of victims on their hands. The Founding Fathers in the United States knew this. And the premise of the Constitution's Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, is based on this idea.
Yes, people need protection against those who mean to do them harm. But occasionally, people also need protection from those who are sworn to protect them. Given history's numerous examples of once stable nations descending into murderous rampages, it's both foolish and intellectually dishonest to dismiss this point.
Some people argue, 'well the Founding Fathers never intended for us to have assault rifles, which didn't exist back then.' Sure, maybe. But they also never intended for government to have nukes, drones, body scanners, or Homeland Security urban assault vehicles.
A well-armed populace is a major deterrent in keeping government responsible, as well as keeping bad guys away. Willfully giving up this advantage out of fear is a poor choice. It means that we have no other option but to trust the goodwill, and competence, of government agents to keep us safe.
There's little that's more important than the well-being of ourselves and our families. And when an entire society considers abandoning that responsibility, choosing instead to outsource it to corrupt bureaucrats and jack-booted thugs, this marks a major turning point that your nation is about to go down a very precarious road.
In total sincerity, perhaps it's time to consider your options and be a part of the rush to purchase your own guns before that right is stripped away.
Kendell Lang (http://www.KendellLang.com) is a Social Media Keynote Speaker and Internet Marketing Specialist using proven Information Architecture to creatively and inexpensively find ways to achieve results. An automated social media marketing specialist in successful social network marketing for growth-oriented, Internet-savvy, E-Commerce-enabled, social networking websites. Strategic social media marketing techniques and automated social media broadcasting.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Content is King!
Understanding the Building Blocks of a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign
Content is King!
Content is King!
Social media and networking is about as ignorable as that proverbial elephant in the room… only this one is wearing a big pink tutu. Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Digg, Friendster, Stumbleupon, Twitter, YouTube and the hundreds more than can be found out there in the virtual ether: they all promote communication, interaction and information exchange. They have millions upon millions of regular users… people like you and I who use the Internet to reach out to our friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and all those people you don’t really know, but are friends with anyway. While social media and networking sites have revolutionized 21st century social interaction, they have also revolutionized the way we essentially promote our enterprises and compete with our rivals.
Social Media and Modern Marketing
So important has social media and networking become to marketing and advertising that the subject is taught at University level. There are degree and diploma programs dedicated to unraveling the mystery that is making Facebook turn web-viewers into paying customers. Business owners shell out thousands of dollars to advertising agencies and online marketers to use websites that their eight year old nieces and nephews know like the back of their hand… and all to drive greater traffic to their websites, turn viewers in to customers and increase profits. Does this sound crazy? Well, it WORKS! It works so well that all these social media and networking sites have become an indispensible component of the successful online marketing campaign. In other words, if you want your business to keep its head above the waters of its competition, you need to be visible in social media. This means building and maintaining profile pages on all those buzzword sites: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. It means regularly broadcasting quality content that doesn’t simply get swallowed by the Internet, but actually creates ripples throughout its virtual pages. From status updates and tweets to posting videos, pictures and key-worded writing pieces on the myriad of article directory sites… it all helps to imprint your business’ name and identity in the minds of the both local and global Internet-users.
Content is King!
So here we are: a solid and creative social media marketing campaign is fundamental if the modern business is to establish a positive online reputation that translates into dollar bills. But while subscription and registration with all these social media sites is free, time is money and at the end of the day, very few business owners have the time to update their Facebook statuses. This is why social media and online marketing agencies have become really important. But what so many business owners forget, or never learn in the first place, is that content is king! Those Facebook statuses you skim off the top of your imagination? There are hundreds, if not thousands of people reading those and every status they read helps them to develop an impression of your business… of your brand. It only takes one poorly-thought out, inappropriate or weak status to make hundreds of potential customers sneer at your message and ultimately, at your business.
Improving Your Internet Marketing Campaign
There are a myriad of techniques, strategies, tools and tricks that go into the crafting of a fantastic online marketing campaign. But, much like a car is made of thousands of different components, these all mean nothing unless you add fuel! Likewise, your online marketing campaign means nothing without… creativity. This is the most important ingredient. You can hire a thousand social media administrators to update your profile pages, post articles, videos and more, but unless there is creative energy behind all these efforts, they will not reflect in the number of people that visit your business website. The modern business owner needs to be prepared to invest money in their Internet marketing campaign and this means maintaining a dedication to quality over and above anything else. Think ‘fresh’, think ‘unique’, think ‘compelling’, ‘engaging’, ‘original’ and any other adjectives that would make you put down your cup of coffee, turn down the radio and pay attention. The point of social media marketing is to captivate an audience and establish a positive rapport with them. While social media is a brilliant tool for online marketing, it is social in nature and no one is going to pay attention to you unless you have something interesting and original to say. Creativity drives what the online advertising agency does. So here’s what you can do to improve upon your Internet marketing strategies:
Keep Thinking Creatively
You need to constantly think of new and innovative ways that you can engage your audience through social media. No matter how small the idea or localized the impact it may have, as long as someone is listening, it is contributing positively to your online marketing campaign. For example, you could offer specials or discounts to those that make purchases, order online or book your services through your business website only. Or, if you own a restaurant, art gallery or any other small creative business, you could use Facebook to advertise an event you will be hosting to increase awareness and patronage on that particular night. Whatever the idea, whatever the strategy, it all pays off in the end.
Stinking Linking
There is no doubt that link-building is a core component of a successful online marketing campaign. However, there is nothing more annoying than a business who constantly posts links to their website on their social media and networking accounts. There is nothing imaginative or interesting about a link unless there is something tantalizing before it, so steer clear of dropping them endlessly on your social networking sites.
Write, and When You’re Done Writing, Write Some More…
You (or your website administrator) should be actively engaged in writing blogs, press releases, informative articles and new web pages. Even more so, these need to be well-researched and eloquently written; all of the people who read these need to enjoy their content. Remember, for every new page of content you post – be it a blog post, a new webpage or a press release – a new URL is created that serves as a pathway back to your business website. The more you write, the more virtual pathways there will be leading back to you. The better the quality of these articles, the more people will actually follow these pathways.
Cheap Strategies, Cheap Results
There are plenty of ways to drive heavy traffic to your website; however, the majority of those ‘quick fix’ solutions offer an exceptionally low lead conversion rate (this refers to the percentage of viewers that actually become paying customers). Some traditional tricks include ‘keyword stuffing’ and over-linking, which are capable of catching the attention of search engines. However, Google’s ever-changing algorithms – the latest of which is referred to as the ‘Farmer’s Update’ - are cracking down on these cheap Search Engine Optimizing tricks. The take-home lesson here is that if you employ cheap online marketing strategies, you are likely going to end up driving traffic away and completely waste your time and money in the process.
In Conclusion
Most business owners do not have the time or skills necessary to translate their social media marketing campaign into increased website traffic and greater sales. While social media is accessible to all, it always comes recommended to entrust the online success of your business to an experienced and skilled social media advertising agency. Fuelled by your personal visions for your enterprise and your creative energy, an online ad agency can get you stellar results. It does, however, always pay to be vigilant. Keep your finger on the pulse of your social media marketing campaign and keep the content fresh, original and engaging. Follow this advice and you can only ever improve your business’ online success!
Content is king; Creativity is key
Friday, November 23, 2012
Shoppers Rescue Teens from Streets with InfluenceTV Purchases
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – Shoppers can rescue Emancipated Teens from being dropped off on the streets when the Foster Care money ends at 18 years old. After hundreds of Foster Homes, teens are left with no money, nowhere to go, many times on Skid Row to fend for themselves. They are targets for pimps, gangs, sex traffickers, or drug dealers. Now Shoppers can help provide a safe home for these lost children.
5,000 available products can be purchased on Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) giving Shoppers who care about others the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
Emancipated Youth, a dedicated housing program of The Dream Center, offers a safe home to begin this difficult transition from spending a childhood being transferred to hundreds of Foster Care homes to stability with training for adult life.
“People would be surprised to know how awful the Foster Care system has become, leaving teens confused, angry, and without hope or direction,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org. “The Dream Center is making a real difference in Los Angeles. We are calling on Shoppers to buy their everyday household goods from InfluenceTV designating a portion of the purchase to rescue these future Americans. Make a difference in someone else’s life then you will make a difference in your own life.”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Shoppers Feed Hungry Less Fortunate on InfluenceTV.org
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – Shoppers can now take a seat on the Food Truck , a non-profit that delivers groceries to the poor, by using their money to buy products on Influencetv.org.
With a menu of more than 5,000 available products, Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) gives consumers the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
Food Truck, of The Dream Center, provides USDA quality and fresh groceries to more than 40,000 hungry people every month. A model deploying nationally, the program is especially valuable to young single mothers plus working poor families with average annual incomes of just $15,000.
“Poverty is a devastating reality in every corner of this country,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org. “The dedicated volunteers at Food Truck are helping end the suffering by giving away one million pounds of food every month on the streets, but more is needed. InfluenceTV provides caring shoppers with the ability to spend their Influence in a positive direction for the Food Truck.”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Shopping To Help Victims of Human Sex Trafficking on InfluenceTV.org
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – Shoppers can help rescue teenage girls from human sex trafficking, as well as support several other worthy Causes, by using their money to buy products on Influencetv.org.
With a menu of more than 5,000 available products, Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) gives consumers the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
The Dream Center Project Hope program, eases the painful suffering of female victims coming out of prostitution rings.
“Sadly, America is the world’s biggest consumer of modern-day slavery,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org. “Here’s an opportunity for everybody to support these young women by purchasing everyday products and services at InfluenceTV.org.”
“Our not-for-profit provides as many options as possible for people to spend their Influence in a positive direction,” said Clifford. “We invite all charities to join InfluenceTV.org and help people who are suffering live better lives.”
Clifford said Project Hope was the right choice for the first Cause. “These young women have suffered unbelievable, extensive, physical and mental trauma,” he said. “They will die unless they receive professional physical, spiritual and emotional healing in a safe place full of love.”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Save Families from Losing Their Children - Help InfluenceTV
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – Home for the Holidays will take on new meaning for thousands of families at risk of their children taken into Foster Care if shoppers decide to buy their Christmas presents plus other products on Influencetv.org designating Project Prevention as their Cause of choice.
With a menu of more than 5,000 available products, Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) gives consumers the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
Project Prevention, of The Dream Center, provides families with the necessary items – ranging from appliances and furniture to cleaning supplies, and food – to make sure that homes with minor children satisfy the requirements of Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.
“Tragically, Los Angeles has approximately 25,000 children in foster care, 60 percent of which were removed from their homes, separated from loving parents, whose only transgression was extreme poverty usually for a small household item that the family can’t afford,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org.
“Our not-for-profit provides as many options as possible for people to spend their Influence in a positive direction. We invite all charities to join InfluenceTV.org to help people who are suffering live better lives.”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Shoppers Help Teens Find Freedom from Jail
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – American Teens are under attack with drugs, gangs, prostitution plus violence lurking around every corner. Shoppers can now help teens stay out of juvenile hall.
Holiday Shoppers on InfluenceTV have a unique opportunity to save teens by providing a safe home at the Los Angeles Dream Center.
With a menu of more than 5,000 everyday household products, Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) gives consumers the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
The Dream Center Teen program serves youths between the ages of 12 and 17 years old from across America in a residential ten-month Christ-centered program that specializes in academics, substance-abuse training, anger management, character development, and behavior management.
“America is a very different place for a teen to grow up in than when I was a teen,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org. “When you buy something for your family you can now help provide a safe home keeping a precious teenager out of jail, a pathway to more crime. We invite shoppers to come to the Dream Center to meet these teens with our terrific staff. ”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Shoppers Help Feed Homeless with InfluenceTV.org Purchases
Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2012) – – Shoppers can help serve 30,000 hot meals every week year round, meals delivered hot under bridges with love, 40,000 poor households get bagged groceries monthly, 30,000 more feed thru partner nonprofits, all by buying their everyday household products thru InfluenceTV.org.
More than 5,000 available products can be purchased on Influencetv.org (www.influencetv.org) giving Shopper who care about others the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a life-saving Cause. This does not cost the shopper a single penny more because all of the products have been discounted by manufacturers, leaving a portion of every sale to support a specific Cause.
Under The Bridge, which is just one of the Food Services Program of The Dream Center, serves 1,500 hot meals every week to the homeless population of Skid Row. Under the Bridge offers many life-saving services to the homeless community which is rehabilitating to prepare these precious people for re-entry into their communities.
“People would be surprised to know how close to being homeless millions of Americans, especially single Moms are in America,” said Dr. Michael K. Clifford, Chairman of InfluenceTV.org. “The Dream Center is making a real difference in Los Angeles. We are calling on Shoppers to buy their everyday household goods from InfluenceTV designating a portion of the purchase to feed the homeless. Make a difference in someone else’s life then you will make a difference in your own life.”
InfluenceTV.org is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to change the way America spends money shopping. Through its content-rich video-centric website, shoppers can buy goods and services they use every day while designating a portion of the purchase price specifically to the Cause or charity that they want to help.
Watch Video Here
Friday, November 16, 2012
Social Media Marketing
Social Media: The World-Wide Explosion
The past decade has seen the monumental explosion of social media and networking sites onto the Internet. From Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to Youtube, Bebo and Hi5; the number of social media and networking sites on the Internet is truly astounding and they are connecting people from every single city, country and continent on the globe. There is quite literally no limit to the reach of the Internet and this has facilitated immense social interaction. People can keep up to date with hundreds of friends, engage in conversation, share pictures, videos and music and reconnect with friends that they have long lost contact with. Where distances, obstacles and oceans once came in the way of communication and sharing, there are now literally hundreds of social media and networking sites making connection and reconnection possible in a way like never before.
Social Media: The Statistics
Social media essentially refers to the myriad of Internet-based sites that facilitate and promote social interaction and networking. In order to truly appreciate the marketing power of social media, one need only consider the following statistics:
• 75% of the global consumers who go online visit social media and networking sites.
• This figure has increased by a massive 24% since last year.
• Each visitor spends approximately 66% more time on social media and networking sites than the previous year (from 3 hours per day to 6.5!)
• 22% of the all human time is spent browsing social media and networking sites.
• In July of this year (2010), Facebook announced over 500,000,000 (million) users.
• LinkedIn currently has 60 million subscribers, which increased by 5 million in just 2 months.
• Twitter has 110 million users
• Myspace has 57 million users in the United States alone
• Yelp sees over 30 million viewers per month
• Tagged has 100 million registered users.
So, what does this all mean? Social media has captivated the world’s attention and the number of users and time spent per day by each user is only increasing with each passing month. And what does this mean for business?
Social Media Marketing and Advertising
The explosion of social media and networking sites on the Internet and the vast number of people who subscribe to any of the hundreds out there has provided businesses of all sizes with an incredible opportunity to cash in on the exposure they can afford. Consider Facebook; one of the biggest of all the social networking sites to exist in the virtual domain. Facebook has over 500 million active viewers: subscribers who login and spend time on the site every day. The business that has visibility on Facebook is therefore being seen by tens, if not hundreds of millions of users on a daily basis. It is this potential for incredible exposure and the subsequent accumulation of leads that has made social media the new medium for modern marketing and advertising. The statistics have spoken: the business that does not make the jump into social media as a means for spreading their brand image and name will literally be left in the dust of its competitors.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Landslide Victory for Romney!!!
Here's why you shouldn't pay attention to the polls or the Main Stream Media, and why you should have a high degree of confidence that your vote matters and that the information below should motivate you to vote personally, as well as encourage all your family and friends to get out and vote!!! Don't let the Main Stream Media discourage you...it just ain't so!!!!
A Las Vegas "odds maker" gives his reasons for big win by Romney in November. I think you'll agree this is an interesting analysis:****
Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats. I am neither.****
I am a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a well-known Vegas odds maker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races.****
But as an odds maker with a pretty remarkable track record of picking political races, I play no favorites. I simply use common sense to call them as I see them. Back in late December I released my New Year's Predictions.****
#1. I predicted back then-before a single GOP primary had been held, with Romney trailing for months to almost every GOP competitor from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt - that Romney would easily rout his competition to win the GOP nomination by a landslide.****
#2. I also predicted that the Presidential race between Obama and Romney would be very close until election day. But that on election day Romney would win by a landslide similar to Reagan-Carter in 1980. Understanding history, today I am even more convinced of a resounding Romney victory. 32 years ago at this moment in time, Reagan was losing by 9 points to Carter. Romney is right now running even in polls.****
#3. So why do most pollsters give Obama the edge? First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient- common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain 4 years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama 4 years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now - and that is a bad harbinger.****
Now to an analysis of the voting blocks that matter in U.S. politics:****
#4. Black voters. Obama has nowhere to go but down among this group. His endorsement of gay marriage has alienated many black church-going Christians. He may get 88% of their vote instead of the 96% he got in 2008. This is not good news for Obama.****
#5. Jewish voters. Obama has been weak in his support of Israel. Many Jewish voters and big donors are angry and disappointed. I predict Obama's Jewish support drops from 78% in 2008 to the low 60's. This is not good news for Obama.****
#6. Youth voters. Obama's biggest and most enthusiastic believers from 4 years ago have graduated into a job market from hell. Young people are disillusioned,frightened,and broke-a bad combination. The enthusiasm is long gone. Turnout will be much lower among young voters, as will actual voting percentages. This not good news for Obama.****
#7. Catholic voters. Obama won a majority of Catholics in 2008. That won't happen again. Out of desperation to please women, Obama went to war with the Catholic Church over contraception. Now he is being sued by the Catholic Church.Majority lost. This is not good news for Obama.****
#8. Small Business owners. Because I ran for Vice President last time around, and I'm a small businessman myself, I know literally thousands of small business owners. At least 40% of them in my circle of friends, fans and supporters voted for Obama 4 years ago to give someone different a chance. As I warned them that he would pursue a war on capitalism and demonize anyone who owned a business...that he'd support unions over the private sector in a big way...that he'd overwhelm the economy with spending and debt. My friends didn't listen. Four years later, I can't find one person in my circle of small business owner friends voting for Obama, Not one. This is not good news for Obama.****
#9. Blue collar working class whites. Do I need to say a thing? White working class voters are about as happy with Obama as Boston Red Sox fans feel about the New York Yankees. This is not good news for Obama.****
#10. Suburban moms. The issue isn't contraception, it's having a job to pay for contraception. Obama's economy frightens these moms. They are worried about putting food on the table. They fear for their children's future. This is not good news for Obama.****
#11. Military Veterans. McCain won this group by 10 points. Romney is winning by 24 points. The more our military vets got to see of Obama, the more they disliked him. This is not good news for Obama.****
Add it up.****
Is there one major group where Obama has gained since 2008? ****
Will anyone in America wake up on election day saying, I didn't vote for Obama 4 years ago, but he's done such a fantastic job, I can't wait to vote for him today.****
Does anyone feel that a vote for Obama makes their job more secure? Forget the polls. My gut instincts as a Vegas odds maker and common sense small businessman tell me this will be a historic landslide and a world-class repudiation of Obama's radical and risky socialist agenda. It's Reagan-Carter all over again.****
But I'll give Obama credit for one thing- he is living proof that familiarity breeds contempt.****
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Heroes Died...Obama Lied!
This is NOT about politics, and I'd be as screaming mad if it were done by a Republican...but the Obama Administration's s handling of Libya has turned into a full blown BENGHAZI SCANDAL!!! BENGHAZI-GATE.
We've had bad presidents with scandals on both sides before, Nixon's (I am not a crook), Reagan's Iran/Contra scandal (and I loved/still love Reagan) and Bill Clinton's (I did not have sex with Lewinsky). And people have argued, "Clinton lied...no one died" but in this case..."Heroes died...Obama lied!"
For two weeks President Obama called the attacks in Benghazi the result of a spontaneous protest gone wrong. There was no protest and now we know it was a well planned, well coordinated assault. Today we learn that the administration was emailed at 6:07pm, two hours after the attack began, citing terrorist involvement. These E-mails reveal that the White House knew Al Qaeda-linked group led the attacks on the embassy.
What is happening with the Benghazi Scandal is so far beyond lying, it is staggering. The Ambassador was involved in running guns on behalf of the Obama Administration (making Fast & Furious look like kindergarteners play), and he was running guns to Al‑Qaeda in Libya. And he was running guns through Turkey into Syria (rebels now identified as Muslim Brotherhood in conjunction with Al-Qaeda).
The president of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.
They have lied to you and said this might be caused by an ant-Islam video; we don’t have all the information; the information is still sketchy; it’s confusing. No. We now have the documents. We now have the documents that came into the situation room saying there’s an attack; they’re watching. Then we have the documents that we have a live video feed in the situation room, so they could see that there was no protest. Nothing less than a full Congressional Investigation is in order, and you wonder "where is the Main Stream Media on this?"
So, you may be asking, "what can I do about this?" Call or write your legislators & DEMAND OBAMA, CLINTON, AND PANETTA ARE LEGALLY HELD ACCOUNTABLE. This is a disgrace, and if you are not outraged ... WHY? What will it take to make people see the corruption in this administration? This is such blatant hypocrisy, deception, and corruption.
Questions...partial answers revealed...more questions...the pieces of the puzzle have not been put together yet by the media (no one is asking the "WHY?")...but when the full picture is revealed and when all the pieces are put together by Congressional Investigators...Impeachment should be pursued!!!
President Barack Obama has crossed a line concerning the “lies” about the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11. Benghazi-gate is Fast and Furious times 1,000. Again, this isn't about politics. THIS IS A BIG DEAL AND EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE FACTS!!! This truly is about the future of the country because we are in grave, grave danger. Here are recently revealed FACTS:
1. 300 to 400 national security officials received emails detailing the Benghazi terrorist attack as it was happening on 9/11. This was not disclosed by the White House. Why?
2. The emails show that the Libyan radical Islamic group Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the attack just two hours after it began via social media. This information was suppressed. Why?
3. White House officials told CBS News that an unmanned Predator drone was sent over the U.S. mission in Libya, providing Washington with a live feed to the chaos that unfolded. This information was suppressed. Why?
4. These emails were accompanied with video and links to be able see everything live as it was happening. It makes it very, very clear. This was a terrorist attack conducted by a terrorist organization. There’s nothing in the emails or security communications about a YouTube video inciting this attack. Why?
5. Our QRF (Quick Response Force) was capable of having boots on the ground within an hour of when the attack started, but no deployment was ordered. Why?
6. People in the White House Situation Room where standing around watching U.S. Citizens being killed. Why?
7. On the most dangerous day of the year, in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, four Americans were at a CIA safe house (not the Embassy in Tripoli and NOT at the Consulate in Benghazi). Why?
8. U.S. Ambassador Stevens took a meeting with the Turkish ambassador, who then leaves with no incident, unharmed. Why?
9. Libyan rebels provided massive amounts of weapons. The U.S. Ambassador (a CIA agent, not clear whether past or current) negotiated the arms deal with Libyan rebels, now known to be affiliated with Al-Qaeda. This information is not disclosed. Why?
10. Syrian rebels provided major shipment of weapons. These rebels are now known to be affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. Weapons deal brokered through Turkey with same contact from Libya who negotiated with Ambassador Stevens. This information is not disclosed. Why?
11. Citizen journalists are able to discover these facts, but they are being suppressed by the Main Stream Media. Why?
“We’re going to gather all the facts,” Obama says, echoing Hillary’s plea to let the investigation play out until, oh, say, mid-November at the earliest. Simple question: Why does he need “all the facts” about Benghazi to find out (a) whether anyone at the consulate called for help during the attack (which we now know they did, 3 times!) and (b) if so, who in the chain of command denied that request? We know that a "stand down" order was given, so the question is by whom? He could find that out with 10 minutes of phoning around and then spend another 10 firing the people involved — assuming, of course, that it wasn't The One himself who delivered the thumbs down on the calls for help.
Call or write your legislators & DEMAND OBAMA, CLINTON, AND PANETTA ARE LEGALLY HELD ACCOUNTABLE. This is a disgrace, and if you are not outraged ... WHY?
Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, the former Navy SEAL who died while trying to save the U.S. Ambassador to Libya on 9/11, speaking to Megyn Kelly on the Fox News Channel:
"I appreciate your introduction, and I do want to reiterate this, and really emphasize again, this is not about politics. This is about--if it were about politics, it would dishonor my son's death. This has to do with honesty and integrity and justice...
This news that he disobeyed his orders does not surprise me. My son was an American hero. And he was going--he had the moral strength to do what was right. Even if that would professionally cost him his job. Even if it would potentially cost him his life. He was a hero who was willing to do whatever was necessary to respond to their cries for help.
If, in fact, those people in the White House were as courageous, and had the moral strength that my son Ty had, immediately, within minutes of when they found there was the first attack, they would have stepped--they would have given permission, not denied permission, for those C-130s to have gone up there. And this is exact--I don't know much about weapons, but it's coming out right now that they actually had laser targets focused on the mortars being sent to kill my son and they refused to pull the trigger. They refused to send those C-130s.
To me--I'm an attorney, this may not legal test of murder. But to me, that is not only cowardice. For those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son.
That's a very strong statement for me to make. But for their benefit, they need to bare their conscience, they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives.
And I want to say right now: you know who you are. I totally forgive you. But I hope years from now, you change the direction of your life. For your benefit...
This is all a pack of lies. And that's one thing as a father whose son who has been killed--I do not appreciate lies. I do not appreciate cowardice. And I do not appreciate lies.
And I'm a loving person. I love my son, and I want to honor him. And I hope I'm not speaking too strongly, but I am very glad the facts are coming out right now. I do not--the reason I'm even speaking up--we, our family had made the decision not to say anything. But after the facts came out that in real time, the White House, within minutes after the first bullet was fired, they watched my son--they denied his pleas for help.
My son violated his orders in order to protect the lives of at least 30 people. He risked his life to be a hero. I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same moral courage that my son displayed with his life...
I sent you those pictures of him in high school, and I wanted you to show those to the people out there for one reason, and that is so that people can be inspired and know that Ty was just a normal kid, okay? We were an imperfect family, but we were a normal family. And I would hope that his legacy would live on. And that we would raise up a generation of American heroes, and that they would be inspired by his pictures and his life, and that we would raise up a generation of American heroes that are strong morally and strong in every other aspect of their life.
We do not need another generation of liars who lack the moral strength that my son, who was an American hero, had...
I really wish the best to those people that allowed my son to be murdered. And I mean that very sincerely. I want the best for them. But they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives."
Friday, August 10, 2012
When Bad Theories Happen to Good Scientists
Article #1


July 20, 2012
When Bad Theories Happen to Good Scientists
a myth out there that has gained the status of a cliché: that scientists love
proving themselves wrong, that the first thing they do after constructing a
hypothesis is to try to falsify it. Professors tell students that this is the
essence of science.

most scientists behave very differently in practice. They not only become
strongly attached to their own theories; they perpetually look for evidence
that supports rather than challenges their theories. Like defense attorneys
building a case, they collect confirming evidence.
this they're only human. In all walks of life we look for evidence to
support our beliefs, rather than to counter them. This pervasive phenomenon is
known to psychologists as "confirmation bias." It is what keeps all
sorts of charlatans in business, from religious cults to get-rich-quick schemes.
As the philosopher/scientist Francis Bacon noted in 1620: "And such is the
way of all superstition, whether in astrology, dreams, omens, divine judgments,
or the like; wherein men, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events
where they are fulfilled, but where they fail, though this happen much oftener,
neglect and pass them by."
as hypochondriacs and depressives gather ample evidence that they're ill or
ill-fated, ignoring that which implies they are well or fortunate, so
physicians managed to stick with ineffective measures such as bleeding, cupping
and purging for centuries because the natural recovery of the body in most
cases provided ample false confirmation of the efficacy of false cures.
Homeopathy relies on the same phenomenon to this day.
though we tell students in school that, as Karl Popper argued, science works by
falsifying hypotheses, we teach them the very opposite—to build a case by
accumulating evidence in support of an argument.
phrase "confirmation bias" itself was coined by a British
psychologist named Peter Wason in 1960. His classic demonstration of why it was
problematic was to give people the triplet of numbers "2-4-6" and ask
them to propose other triplets to test what rule the first triplet followed. Most
people propose a series of even numbers, such as "8-10-12" and on
being told that yes, these numbers also obey the rule, quickly conclude that
the rule is "ascending even numbers." In fact, the rule was simply
"ascending numbers." Proposing odd numbers would have been more
example of how such reasoning can lead scientists astray was published last
year. An experiment had seemed to confirm the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that
language influences perception. It found that people reacted faster when discriminating
a green from a blue patch than when discriminating two green patches (of equal
dissimilarity) or two blue patches, but that they did so only if the patch was
seen by the right visual field, which feeds the brain's left hemisphere, where
language resides.
several confirmations by other teams, the result is now known to be a fluke,
following a comprehensive series of experiments by Angela Brown, Delwin Lindsey
and Kevin Guckes of Ohio State University. Knowing the word for a color
difference makes it no quicker to spot.
of the alarming things about confirmation bias is that it seems to get worse
with greater expertise. Lawyers and
doctors (but not weather forecasters who get regularly mugged by reality)
become more confident in their judgment as they become more senior, requiring
less positive evidence to support their views than they need negative evidence
to drop them.
origin of our tendency to confirmation bias is fairly obvious. Our brains were
not built to find the truth but to make pragmatic judgments, check them cheaply and win arguments, whether we are in the
right or in the wrong.
Article #2

July 27, 2012
Three Cheers for Scientific Backbiting

as I argued last week, scientists are just as prone as everybody else to confirmation
bias—the tendency to look for evidence to support rather than to test your own
ideas—then how is it that science, unlike cults and superstitions, does
change its mind and find new things?

answer was spelled out by the psychologist Raymond Nickerson of Tufts
University in a 1998 paper: "It is not so much the critical attitude that
individual scientists have taken with respect to their own ideas that has given
science the success it has enjoyed…but more the fact that individual
scientists have been highly motivated to demonstrate that hypotheses that are
held by some other scientist(s) are false."
scientists do not try to disprove their ideas; rivals do it for them. Only when
those rivals fail is the theory bombproof. The physicist Robert Millikan (who
showed minor confirmation bias in his own work on the charge of the electron by
omitting outlying observations that did not fit his hypothesis) devoted more
than 10 years to trying to disprove Einstein's theory that light consists of
particles (photons). His failure convinced almost everybody but himself that
Einstein was right.
solution to confirmation bias in science, then, is not to try to teach it out
of people; it is a deeply ingrained tendency of human nature. Dr. Nickerson
noted that science is replete not only with examples of great scientists
tenaciously persisting with theories "long after the evidence against them
had become sufficiently strong to persuade others without the same vested
interests to discard them" but also with brilliant people who remained
wedded to their pet hates. Galileo rejected Kepler's lunar explanation of
tides; Huygens objected to Newton's concept of gravity; Humphrey Davy detested
John Dalton's atomic theory; Einstein denied quantum theory.
the reason that science progresses despite confirmation bias is partly that it
makes testable predictions, but even more that it prevents monopoly. By
dispersing its incentives among many different centers, it lets scientists
check each other's prejudices. When a discipline defers to a single authority
and demands adherence to a set of beliefs, then it becomes a cult.
recent example is the case of malaria and climate. In the early days of
global-warming research, scientists argued that warming would worsen malaria by
increasing the range of mosquitoes. "Malaria and dengue fever are two of
the mosquito-borne diseases most likely to spread dramatically as global
temperatures head upward," said the Harvard Medical School's Paul Epstein
in Scientific American in 2000, in a warning typical of many.
away by confirmation bias, scientists modeled the future worsening of malaria,
and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change accepted this as a given.
When Paul Reiter, an expert on insect-borne diseases at the Pasteur Institute,
begged to differ—pointing out that malaria's range was shrinking and was
limited by factors other than temperature—he had an uphill struggle.
"After much effort and many fruitless discussions," he said,
"I…resigned from the IPCC project [but] found that my name was still
listed. I requested its removal, but was told it would remain because 'I had
contributed.' It was only after strong insistence that I succeeded in having it
Dr. Reiter has now been vindicated. In a recent paper, Peter Gething of Oxford
University and his colleagues concluded that widespread claims that rising mean
temperatures had already worsened malaria mortality were "largely at odds
with observed decreasing global trends" and that proposed future effects
of rising temperatures are "up to two orders of magnitude smaller than
those that can be achieved by the effective scale-up of key control
IPCC, in other words, learned the hard way the value of letting mavericks and
gadflies challenge confirmation bias.
Article #3

August 3, 2012
How Bias Heats Up the Warming Debate

argued last week that the way to combat confirmation bias—the tendency to
behave like a defense attorney rather than a judge when assessing a theory in
science—is to avoid monopoly. So long as there are competing scientific
centers, some will prick the bubbles of theory reinforcement in which other
scientists live.
constructive critics, this is the problem with modern climate science. They
don't think it's a conspiracy theory, but a monopoly that clings to one
hypothesis (that carbon dioxide will cause dangerous global warming) and brooks
less and less dissent. Again and again, climate skeptics are told they should
respect the consensus, an admonition wholly against the tradition of science.

Hot summers are invoked as support for
climate alarmism; cold winters are dismissed as weather.
month saw two media announcements of preliminary new papers on climate. One, by
a team led by physicist Richard Muller of the University of California,
Berkeley, concluded "the carbon dioxide curve gives a better match than
anything else we've tried" for the (modest) 0.8 Celsius-degree rise in
global average temperatures over land during the past half-century—less, if
ocean is included. He may be right, but such curve-fitting reasoning is an
example of confirmation bias. The other, by a team led by the meteorologist
Anthony Watts, a skeptical gadfly, confirmed its view that the Muller team's
numbers are too high—because "reported 1979-2008 U.S. temperature trends
are spuriously doubled" by bad thermometer siting and unjustified
published research on the impact of climate change consists of confirmation
bias by if-then modeling, but critics also see an increasing confusion between
model outputs and observations. For example, in estimating how much warming is
expected, the most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
uses three methods, two based entirely on model simulations.
late novelist Michael Crichton, in his prescient 2003 lecture criticizing
climate research, said: "To an outsider, the most significant innovation
in the global-warming controversy is the overt reliance that is being placed on
models.... No longer are models judged by how well they reproduce data from the
real world—increasingly, models provide the data. As if they were themselves a
isn't just models, but the interpretation of real data, too. The rise and fall
in both temperature and carbon dioxide, evident in Antarctic ice cores, was at
first thought to be evidence of carbon dioxide driving climate change. Then it
emerged that the temperature had begun rising centuries earlier than carbon
dioxide. Rather than abandon the theory, scientists fell back on the notion
that the data jibed with the possibility that rising carbon dioxide levels were
reinforcing the warming trend in what's called a positive feedback loop.
Maybe—but there's still no empirical evidence that this was a significant
effect compared with a continuation of whatever first caused the warming.
reporting of climate in the media is full of confirmation bias. Hot summers (in
the U.S.) or wet ones (in the U.K.) are invoked as support for climate
alarmism, whereas cold winters are dismissed as weather. Yale University's Dan
Kahan and colleagues polled 1,500 Americans and found that, as they learned
more about science, both believers and nonbelievers in dangerous climate change
"become more skillful in seeking out and making sense of—or if necessary
explaining away—empirical evidence relating to their groups' positions on
climate change and other issues."
one practicing scientist wrote anonymously to a blog in 2009: "honestly,
if you know anything about my generation, we will do or say whatever it is we
think we're supposed to do or say. There is no conspiracy, just a slightly
cozy, unthinking myopia. Don't rock the boat."
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Dear Friends,
Do you really know anything about Barrack Hussein Obama?
Love him or hate him, you don't know him!
Obama's America The Movie "asks
questions the media won't ask" says Breitbart. This is the only investigation into Obama's past
and America's future. The American people want to know about Barack Obama.
Gerald Molen, the
producer of Schindler's List and Minority Report brings you this movie about
President Obama. He joined with Dinesh D'Souza, writer of The Roots of Obama's Rage and
Letters to a Young
Conservative to make this exciting film.
Bring this movie to San Diego!!!
There is one way to absolutely guarantee that this movie is released into theaters and that is to pre-purchase tickets. We can guarantee the release of this movie by pre-selling 1,000 tickets. Please click on the link to "Buy Now."
About 2016: Obama’s America
2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?"
Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America’s ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.
Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind’s greatest struggle. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires, into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.
Emotionally engaging, 2016 Obama’s America will make you confounded and cheer as you discover the mysteries and answers to your greatest aspirations and worst fears.
Love him or hate him, you don’t know him.
About the Filmmakers
Gerald R. Molen
Gerald Molen has produced many of the most memorable films in the last three decades including blockbusters like Jurassic Park, Twister, Days of Thunder, Hook and Minority Report. He was a producer for the Academy Award winning film Schindler’s List and co-producer for Rain Man which won the Oscar for Best Picture.
Dinesh D’Souza
Born in Mumbai, India Dinesh D'Souza has truly lived the American Dream. He moved to the United States to attend Dartmouth College and upon graduation he went to work in the Reagan White House as a policy analyst.
He has been a fellow of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and the American Enterprise Institute. He is also the author of the New York Times Bestseller The Roots of Obama’s Rage. His other book titles include the popular What’s So Great About Christianity, Letters to a Young Conservative, and The End of Racism. He is a popular speaker and has appeared on Hannity, The Colbert Report, Glenn Beck and Politically Incorrect.
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